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- Add: Jim Gottstein Esq. PsychRights
- In the State of NJ what is the likelihood that a patient entering the ER presenting with mental disorder behaviors…will be admitted to a psychiatric ward even though he or she is not a danger to self or others? How is this different in other states? NOTE: Dr. Daniel said that NY/NJ are quicker to lock up.
- uniqueness of this Anna Biltmore case & medical non-compliance with V code, neglect, pain & suffering
- Important/specific. Damage to being committed and not being freed. Rejected my action plan. Act of negligence. Why reject action plan. Have an expert look at action plan…clearly mentally competent. Clear cognition. NOTE: my wall street colleagues said the doctors are trying to punish me by not letting me be released; or taking notes. I was also told by staff that they need to keep beds filled & I was one they decided to retain. Maybe they thought I could pay. Many others on the ward of a STATE institution appeared desolate. Anna did not.
- The psychiatric social worker told Anna that she had to have an action plan for when she was released in order to be released. Anna presented numerous & coherently written and appropriate action plans and yet she was not released. Let the court know that Anna Biltmore is a seasoned corporate executive who has coached hundreds of corporate leaders in writing action plans. Here are some examples of action plans she wrote on the psychiatric ward.
- Why would a hospital not accept her action plan?
- After the first draft she wasn’t given any feedback but just told not good enough and that she would not be released. Even though Anna had family who she could be released to her family operated on the assumption that Anna was bipolar and required medication and hospitalization. This is the tragedy of being mislabeled earlier & not fact checking, not being willing to listen to Anna Biltmore’s voice or well documented research.
- NOTE: Damages to 10 yr old son. Right of communication.