Hank Michaels (portraying Michael Hayden) testimony re 2005 real life character: Working with Janet since 2001 at The Leadership Alignment Spa LLC & in JWH Training & Consulting Inc. We are merging 2 business partners into 1 Hank Michaels. John Griffith at end of movie business colleague present day.

John Griffith. Business Coach & former actor to play Hank Michaels character.
Witness Business partner: Hank Michaels portrayed as a successful business entrepreneur advocates for Anna when she is institutionalized in 2005 by sending letters to the NJ Governor, congressmen and senators petitioning for Anna’s release from the mental institution. Hank also drives Ana to acupuncture/Chinese medicine appointments to help her recovery after hospitalization and also helps with her 12 year old son as a male figure/mentor.
We may add character to witness stand: Dr. Orest Pelechaty M.Sc., O.M.D., C.A., AHG treated Janet with acupuncture, Chinese medicine
Business colleague who walked with Anna through 2005 experience & aftermath:
- Review 2005 scripts from Michael Hayden
- Ask John to write up his character & witness stand script if interested to act
- Lawyer frustrates John and gets him to say “choices. Isn’t this all about choices she made. Heck she chose to step away from her corporate consulting that gave her a great living. Didn’t she make choices to work on a farm for $5/hr. or as a cleaning lady at $10 hr. wasn’t that her choice to step away from earning $250 hr? I see so many gifts in her but didn’t she make choices that wound her up in this financial spot?
- Posted below are examples of what Michael Hayden partnered with Janet on in 2005.

Harknews January 10th release
Freehold, New Jersey
A New Jersey Mom Believes a Crayon a Day Could be Just What the Doctor
Orders to Prevent a Repeat of Last Week’s New Orleans Shooting of a Mentally
Ill Man
A single mom, successful trainer and consultant to big pharmaceuticals,
former college counselor and mental health patient has tools and resources
that could have prevented this tragic event.
Freehold, NJ (PRWEB) January 6, 2006 — Just a week ago the New Orleans
Police Department shot and killed a man exhibiting clear signs of mental
Janet Werner, single mother of a young teen boy, successful trainer and
consultant to New Jersey’s pharmaceutical executives, former co-founder of
the Leadership Alignment Spa, and recent mental health consumer herself, has
simple wisdom tools and solutions that may have prevented this from
“This happened on the streets of a city already stressed to the limit this
past year,” asserts Ms. Werner. “It is clear that the police acted as they
were trained. I am not here to place any blame on anyone. But certainly the
residents of New Orleans are at their maximum stress levels. We all know
this. Yet what is being done there and indeed everywhere in these stressful
times to reduce everyday stress? Especially in a manner that is simplified
and proven to ease that stress?”
Ms. Werner has, in over a decade of ground level experience, developed
simple tools and resources that address not only the needs of anyone
enduring excessive stress but also the extreme instances that lead to
diagnosis of mental illness in the forms like depression, bipolar disorders,
obsessive compulsive disorders and many others. 1 in 5 Americans will
experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime. Many will end up
in state mental institutions.
“Our institutions are in serious need of help, as Acting Governor Codey (in
New Jersey) has so diligently brought to the public’s attention. But more is
needed. Much more. While he just spent a voluntary night in Graystone, I
recently spent 11 nights under involuntary ‘incarceration’ at Bergen
Regional where, unlike the Governor, I witnesses deplorable conditions and
events,” continues Ms. Werner. While there, she witnessed that the
intelligence that individual patients can exhibit, if they could only be
given a chance to share them, can be transformational.
By providing simple items like crayons and paper, playing cards and fun
video’s to watch, performing a morning session of yoga moves and Tai Chi,
she personally was able to brighten the mood of the entire ward permanently
during her “stay.” All these simple tools, alone almost insignificant,
combined to relieve and reduce the stress significantly. The patients
noticed it and so did the staff. And the cost? Pennies on the dollar.
Ms. Werner goes on, “Obviously, these particular items would not have been
appropriate on the street in New Orleans last week, but the underlying
premise of my non-medical based approach is to treat people with the
assumption that they have vast capabilities to address their own mental
awareness, if we make that assumption and allow it to unfold instead of
labeling them incompetent and ill-equipped. I have consistently seen
miracles happen over and over again using simple tools and wisdom.”
Steven Feldstein of Feldstein Financial Group, LLC in Chester New Jersey, a
noted advisor to individual and institutional investors calls Janet a true
visionary of our times. Just weeks prior to her misdiagnosed internment, he
introduced her to his private Business Roundtable investors club citing,
“her compassion, courage and conviction make her someone we all should hope
to emulate. Her story and her work need to be known for they will transform
our world, something we all need in these times.”
She herself has only recently been able to regain her sense of self-worth
and composure after her ordeal at Bergen Regional. One can only imagine what
it is like to be sane inside an institution for the insane. In an effort to
continue the work she performed while in the institution, she is asking for
donations of crayons, drawing pads, sweat pants and jackets, board games,
playing cards and small stuffed animals. (For a complete list go to
She will present these items to her fellow patients at the ward in Bergen
Regional Medical Center or another sympathetic institution as soon as a time
can be arranged. Ms. Werner will also hold a press conference at that time
to answer questions about her ordeal, and to bring awareness to the need for
new original and innovative low cost solutions to assist the mental health
community in New Jersey and the nation. She invites the Acting Governor and
Ms. Codey, the Governor Elect and other state and local officials, including
leaders from the Division of Mental Health Services, to join her.
See the website, http://www.HarkNews.com for details. For information
contact Mike Hayden, Integrated Excellence at 609-945-4970.
Freehold, New Jersey
Can a Box of Crayons Replace a Governor’s Passion?
A single local mom and a box of crayons set out to carry on Governor Codey’s dream for improving mental health.
FREEHOLD, N.J. (Jan 10) – As outgoing Acting Governor Codey formally delivers his second State of the State address today, he reaffirms his biggest accomplishments were in the area of mental health and he just wishes he had more time to continue his work.
Janet Werner, single mother of a young teen boy, successful trainer and consultant to New Jersey’s pharmaceutical executives, former co-founder of the Leadership Alignment Spa, and recent mental health consumer herself, has simple wisdom tools and solutions to carry on the Governor’s dream.
“Mary Jo Codey and her husband are heroes of mine. Her decision to go public with her personal journey has inspired me to do the same,” shares Ms. Werner. “On the very day he signed his mental health legislation into law, I was detained inside the adult care mental heath ward, and witnessed first hand the reasons why the Governor feels so strongly about improving the conditions there.”
Ms. Werner has, in over a decade of ground level experience, developed simple yet well researched tools and resources that address not only the needs of anyone enduring excessive stress but also the extreme instances that lead to a diagnosis of mental illness.
1 in 5 Americans will experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime. Many will end up in state mental institutions with depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorders and many others.
“How we understand and treat metal illness has a long way to go to bring respect, honor and dignity to these consumers,” Ms. Werner continues. “The institutions are still in need of help, as Acting Governor Codey and his wife have so diligently brought to the public’s attention. I don’t want to see that legacy fade away. More is needed. Much more.”
While the Acting Governor made surprise inspections this past summer and spent a voluntary night on the ward at Graystone, Ms. Werner was in for 11 nights under involuntary ‘incarceration’ at Bergen Regional Medical Center.
She witnessed the power that the individual patient intelligence has in assisting their own recovery, if they are given the chance to express themselves with their own story and treated with a personalized dignity and respect.
Ms. Werner noticed that by providing everyday simple items like crayons and paper, playing cards and fun videos to watch, performing a morning session of yoga and Tai Chi moves, she personally was able to brighten the mood of the entire ward permanently during her ‘stay’.
All these simple tools, alone almost insignificant, combined to relieve and reduce the stress significantly. The patients noticed it and so did the staff. And the cost? Pennies on the dollar.
Steven Feldstein of Feldstein Financial Group, LLC in Chester New Jersey, a noted advisor to individual and institutional investors calls Ms. Werner a true visionary of our times. Just 9 days prior to her misdiagnosed internment, he introduced her to his private Business Roundtable investors club citing, “her compassion, courage and conviction make her someone we all should hope to emulate. Her story and the powerful simplicity of her tools are transformational.”
She herself has only recently been able to regain her sense of self-worth and composure after her ordeal at Bergen Regional. One can only imagine what it is like to be sane inside an institution for the insane.
To continue the work she performed while in the institution and to extend the Governor and Mrs. Codey’s legacy, she is asking for donations of crayons, drawing pads, sweat pants and jackets, board games, playing cards and small stuffed animals. (For a complete list go to http://www.HarkNews.com).
Ms. Werner is passionate in bringing awareness to the need for new original and innovative low cost solutions to assist the mental health community in New Jersey and the nation. Her program ‘Rethinking How We Think About Mental Health(sm)” is intended to do just that. She invites the Acting Governor and Ms. Codey, the Governor Elect and other state and local officials, including leaders from the Division of Mental Health Services, to join with her in carrying on what the Acting Governor began 14 months ago.
Mike Hayden
Integrated Excellence, Inc.