. Fictionalized character: Robert Gregorio. Greg’s character will also be in Spy in the House of Crazy & Call Me Bipolar Do You.

Will be included in mainstream news & public activities in regard to our TV/movie launches. Greg is well known & respected around the globe in the college & university territory. Greg is a Christian, Baptist.
- Expert character witness: A Washington DC executive, long term colleague and former college supervisor of Anna Biltmore as portrayed by Robert Gregorio provides testimony of Anna’s character, mental health, spiritual beliefs and collaboration with Washington DC to support research that helps college student mental health across the nation. Statistics of college counseling centers: 2005.
- Lawyer question re 2005 medical report: “Delusions of grandeur. Anna thinks she is connected to Washington DC.
- Former supervisor at The College of NJ, Dean of Students Office 1979: Testimony re Anna’s high functioning before & after hospitalization.

1980 TCNJ M.Ed graduation 6 months after hospitalization.
Demonstrates high functioning Anna & the medical report fallacies.
I really support your “Rethinking Mental Health” program and believe it has merit. Thanks for all you do to advance healthy student growth and development. Gregory Roberts, Ed.S. Executive Director ACPA, National Center for Higher Education, Washington, DC. 2005
Call Me Bipolar Do You? has to be published. Greg.
Reviewing the 1979 Spiritual Emergency at TSC on March 12, 2005. 3 months prior to institutionalization at Bergen Regional: “No you didn’t tell me about the spiritual framework you were operating from in 1979. I just believed in you so much. If you would have told me your spiritual framework things would have taken a different course.” Gregory Roberts, Ed.S. Executive Director ACPA, National Center for Higher Education, Washington, DC. 2005
How much do we need to go thru? Is this a short piece in court. More detail in book.
Lawyer: You are currently the Dean of Students at….Will you tell the court where you worked in 2005
GS: Executive Director ACPA, National Center for Higher Education, Washington, DC from…to…
Lawyer: And where did you work when you met Anna Biltmore in 1978
GS: Dean of Student Affairs, The College of NJ
Lawyer: On March 12, 2005 you and Anna Biltmore met for lunch ….and what did you talk about?
GS: While we reminisced about our great time working together during Anna’s master degree program, I was her supervisor, we also talked about the experience she had in 1979 when she was institutionalized first into Trenton Psychiatric Institution and then Rutgers Mental Health Institution.
Lawyer: What did Anna Biltmore confess to you about that experience.
GS: Anna told me the truth that she was having a spiritual experience where she experienced a sense of Christ within and she explained that she didn’t feel safe to tell me that in 1979. She did ask me if she ever confessed that she was having a spiritual experience.
Lawyer: And how did you respond to this confession?
GS: I responded with understanding & recognition of her experience as a normal Christian experience. I am Baptist & recognize her experience as common within the Baptist community…or at least within some Baptist communities. I said to Anna, “No you didn’t tell me about the spiritual framework you were operating from in 1979. I just believed in you so much. If you would have told me your spiritual framework things would have taken a different course.”
Lawyer: And what different course would you have taken then if you knew Anna was having a Christian spiritual experience?
GS: I would not have let the professionals from the college counseling center to require her to go home or be institutionalized. I would have stood up for her and would have explained from my own religious framework that she was indeed experiencing a spiritual …..I would have also taken her under my mentorship in a 1-1 counseling support along with my Christian network to assist her in processing what she was experiencing. I would have stopped the painful interrogation and pressure on this young woman to be forced into the mental health system which eventually led her into a long history of….
Lawyer: From your Baptist religious background would you explain what you understand ….
Lawyer: Let’s focus on the time period following your March 12, 2005 lunch where you heard the truth of what Anna now calls Spiritual Emergency. In your role in the Washington DC college & university office were you & your colleagues learning about Spiritual Emergency & what was your interest in soliciting Anna Biltmore’s assistance?
GS: At the college & university level where we attended to the life of the college student…academic, social, emotional, mental & physical health…at over ___colleges around the country & globe…we were studying the trends in college student spiritual emergency & mental health. We asked Anna Biltmore to provide her research and assist us with understanding this issue and how to care for our students in these situations. Anna began to share her research & I said:
I really support your “Rethinking Mental Health” program and believe it has merit. Thanks for all you do to advance healthy student growth and development.
Lawyer: Did Anna Biltmore give you her manuscript to read: Call Me Bipolar Do you?
GS: Yes
Lawyer: And what did you say to her in 2005?
GS: Call Me Bipolar Do You? has to be published.
Lawyer: Why did you say that & how might her manuscript when published assist the department in DC & college students around the USA and globe?
Lawyer: On June 17, 2005 you sent Anna Biltmore an email on the morning that she was presenting on Wall Street on the topic of Rethinking How we Think about Mental Health. What did that email state?
GS: ACPA, National Center for Higher Education, Washington, DC. Supports your work on spiritual emergency and rethinking how we think about mental health.
June 16, 2005 8am
Gregory Roberts, Ed.S., Executive Director, ACPA
Washington Dc has just emailed me prior to my presentation on Wall Street in 2005.
“The Executive Director of ACPA and Stacey Pearson, Executive Director Chair, Commission of Counseling Psychological Services in Washington DC currently, Director Training University Michigan are very interested to partner with Janet Werner on the delivery of services and tools that will ease the college student’s mental health journey specifically around spiritual emergency research. 2005. Presented on Wall Street. 6/17/2005.
Lawyer: Nine days after June 17, 2005, on June 26, 2005 what did you hear on your voice mail from Anna Biltmore? You have a recording of that voice mail. Would you play it for the court?
GS: (recording) Hi Greg. You are not going to believe this. I am being escorted by Care Plus …..and being driven to North Jersey Psychiatric Hospital. My mother called the police because she assumed I was having another nervous breakdown when I showed her my Wall Street presentation and all of the research I collected since 1979 on spiritual emergency. I’m getting locked up again & please help me. Please call my mom. Please find out where I am getting locked up & please help me get out. They also took my son away. Please make sure he is ok. Please let me know where they took my son.
Lawyer: And what did you do?
GS: I did not get her voice message until a day after she left it. I spent the next few days trying to track down her mother & find out where they put her. I then maintained conversation with Anna during her 11 days and helped her maintain her sanity by encouraging her to write, by telling her I believed her about spiritual emergency and that I would do whatever I could to make sure she is released.
Lawyer: Anna was released in 11 days after you and others from her Wall Street presentation advocated for her release. Would you read this page in Anna Biltmore’s medical report and provide your own knowing of the truth?
- “ cognition intact”. GS: Her cognition was intact & always was intact. Anna has a long respectable history of being highly intelligent, more stable and disciplined than most people especially when facing the life challenges that she has had to face.
- She had delusions of grandiosity and felt that she was directly in contact with Wall Street and had a big business.” GS: She did not have delusions of grandiosity. Anna was directly in contact with Wall Street and we supported her presentation to Wall Street 9 days prior to being institutionalized. She has had a big business since 1988.
- GS: She did have direct connections to me, The Executive Director, American College Personnel Association in Washington DC. Our shared vision was and is to ease the journey of college student mental health, specifically through education via publications and training tools associated with content in the DSM-IV Religious & Spiritual category.
- GS: already confirmed. She has been a very successful entrepreneur since 1988.
Lawyer: No further questions.
Other note: Yes, I would welcome an opportunity to speak with your mother again. Give me her number and I can call her from the road. Take care and my prayers are with you and I know yours are with me. Gregory Roberts, Ed.S 2005 after Bergen Regional.